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5 Safety Tips to Protect Construction Workers in the Summer Months

May 23, 2016Uncategorized0 comments

With the warm weather approaching, it’s crucial to start thinking of the hot summer heat and how it can pose some health risks. Since construction workers work under the blazing sun, it is important to keep some safety tips and tricks in mind during the warmer months.

Follow these tips to stay protected.


Keep water within easy access at all times. You should drink a glass every 15 minutes. Don’t wait until you are thirsty. Staying hydrated will help to protect you from heat stroke and will provide you with the proper energy you need all day. Stay away from soda and energy drinks, and stick with electrolyte replacement beverages. Make sure that your drinks are always cool, not room temperature.

2.Eat Right

Stay away from high-fat, greasy foods. Eat a light meal during the hottest hours, as heavier food will weigh you down and zap your energy. You will want to be able to be alert in the afternoon, and having a light lunch will minimize the fatigue.

3.Get Sleep

Aim for eight hours every night, as REM is harder to achieve during hot weather. Sleep in a cool, dark room in order to prevent drowsiness and accidents.

4.Avoid the Air Conditioning

Try not to repeatedly go in and out of air conditioning as it will make it harder for you to adjust to the heat.

5. Look Out for Heat Stress

Keep an eye out on your co-workers for signs of heat stroke, which include hot skin without sweating, mental confusion, loss of consciousness, and heat cramps. If anyone shows these signs, call 911 right away.

In addition to these tips, it is imperative you follow the regulated training set forth by OSHA for your protection. OSHA offers a three-step process for fall protection courses: plan, provide, and train. They also recommend that fall protection needs be provided at four feet for general working, five feet in shipyards, six feet in the construction industry and eight feet in long-shoring operations.

They also recommend using hook rigging and slings as a part of a fall protection system. If they do not use this equipment, a person can fall up to seven feet in two-thirds of a second.

Interested in learning more? Head over to Certex today!


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