Technical Resources
CERTEX USA provides abundant resources for fiber rope.

The most common of all the rope constructions. They are composed of three strands laid up generally right handed and are the most popular products for the majority of applications. This is because of the low cost factor.

Constructed from 4 left hand and 4 right hand strands which gives it perfect balance. This construction provides a flexible and tough rope which is totally resistant to kinking and works well on all classes of deck machinery.

Constructed from 12 individual strands braided together to form a high strength torque balanced rope. This easily spliced, non-rotating rope is flexible and coils easily, will not kink or hockle and has high strength to weight ratio.

Double Braided
Two ropes in one. First the braided core is constructed A second rope is then braided over it to form the cover. You then have two ropes performing as a single integrated strength member. Over 50% of the rope strength is in the well protected core. Half the strands are braided right hand and half left for total balance.
Double braid construction offers size for size greater strength than conventional 3, 8, or 12 strand ropes. If has high splice strength. It is flexible wet or dry, new or worn and works well on deck machinery